Bamboo ink stylus worth it
Bamboo ink stylus worth it

  1. #Bamboo ink stylus worth it install
  2. #Bamboo ink stylus worth it driver
  3. #Bamboo ink stylus worth it tv
  4. #Bamboo ink stylus worth it windows

#Bamboo ink stylus worth it windows

Allow Windows to run the file (if necessary). Locate and double-click on the newly-downloaded file. Save the downloadable package on an accessible location (such as your desktop). Make sure that all system requirements are met.

#Bamboo ink stylus worth it install

To install this package please do the following: Program the pen button/s to perform a wide range of settings and functions Adjust the pen tip pressure sensitivity for better control. Benefit from pressure sensitivity in graphics applications such as Adobe Photoshop and Corel Painter. To use Bamboo Ink on Microsoft Surface devices with Microsoft Pen Protocol, you need to switch your Bamboo Ink to MPP mode.

#Bamboo ink stylus worth it driver

You may return most new and unopened Amazon International Store items within 30 days of delivery for a full refund of the price you paid.Important for Microsoft Surface tablets: This driver does not support any version of the Microsoft Surface. If you need to return a defective item outside of the 30-day window, please Contact us.įashion or Imitation Jewellery, Eyewear and Watches 30 Days Returnable Please use the Returns Support Centre to return a defective item within 30 days of receipt of delivery. If your reasonable return shipping costs exceed S$30, Contact us before shipping the item and provide evidence to us to substantiate the reasonable costs incurred, for which you will be reimbursed. You may return a defective, faulty, damaged, or incorrect item for a full refund of the price you paid, including original delivery costs, Import Fees Deposit and a credit of S$30 to cover reasonable substantiated delivery costs associated with returning the item(s) to us. If we receive your returned item(s) after 45 days from receipt of delivery, we may deduct a 20% restocking fee from your refund. Please note that it can take up to 15 days for an item to reach us once you return it. Change of mind returns within 30 days of receipt of delivery are easy with our online Returns Support Centre. Unless otherwise stated, original delivery costs, Import Fees Deposit and return shipping for change of mind returns are not refunded. You may return most new and unopened Amazon International Store items within 30 days of delivery for a full refund of the price you paid. Personal Care Appliances 15 Days ReturnableĬlothing and Accessories 30 Days Returnable Sports, Fitness and Outdoors 15 Days Returnable Pet Habitats and Supplies, Apparel and Leashes, Training and Behavior Aids, Toys, Aquarium Supplies such as Pumps, Filters and Lights 15 Days Returnable

#Bamboo ink stylus worth it tv

Please see our Amazon International Store Returns policy for information about returning Amazon International Store items.ĭesktops, Monitors, Pen drives, Hard drives, Memory cards, Computer accessories, Graphic cards, CPU, Power supplies, Motherboards, Cooling devices, TV cards & Computing Components 15 Days Returnableĭigital Cameras, camera lenses, Headsets, Speakers, Projectors, Home Entertainment (new and certified refurbished) 15 Days Returnable To determine whether items sold and fulfilled by a third-party seller can be returned, check the returns policy set by the seller. Third-party sellers on are expected to offer returns on an equivalent basis, but their policies may vary. Unless otherwise stated, original shipping charges will not be refunded on returns due to customer choice/error. Replacements are only available for items that are sold and fulfilled by Amazon SG – see About Replacements and Refunds Policy.ĭamaged/defective or any Amazon error returns will receive a full refund including a refund of original shipping charges. When you return an item, you may see an option for a refund or replacement. Products are returnable on within the 15 day return window for any reason on Video Games (Accessories and Games) 15 Days Returnable

Bamboo ink stylus worth it